Super-Boosted Healthspan Muesli – Powerful Antioxidant, Cholesterol-Reducing Nutrition

It Will Keep You Full Until Lunchtime, and Could Measurably Improve Your Health

It’s often said that part of keeping weight down is to breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper. Front-loading calories in your day as opposed to skipping breakfast altogether is a well-debated question, but there is research showing the benefits to weight and metabolism of a big breakfast as long as you can limit what you eat later in the day (SEE ARTICLE: Breakfast Like a King, Lunch Like a Prince, Dine Like a Pauper.)

The only trouble with this formula is the kind of highly processed product, light on fiber and nutritional content but often drenched in sugar, widely eaten at breakfast.  Not only do many breakfast cereals contain a high glucose load, but they release it rapidly into the bloodstream, triggering a spike in insulin (which stores much of the sugar as fat) and leave you hungry by the middle of the morning.

Baked potato and tuna - easy, tasty, healthy

Baked potatoes might not be the fastest of fast food, but they are among the tastiest and simplest, and can be enhanced with any number of toppings.  For a low fat, high protein, version it would be hard to beat a tuna and mayonnaise or tuna vinaigrette topping. 

The only decision is which potato to use, and even that doesn’t really matter as long as you don’t use waxy round red potatoes, or new or fingerling potatoes.  The higher starch yellow potatoes, and especially the rough-skinned Russets will work particularly well.  You might see “baking potatoes” in the supermarket, but if not, Maris and King Edwards are a good option.

Brown Lentil Stew, With Onion, Herbs And Spices

Use lentils to lose weight, build muscle and grow your microbiome – all without actually cheating!

They contain an extraordinary 25% or 30% protein – more than any other vegetable except soybeans, and more than most nuts – and a winning combination of insoluble and soluble fiber (see article “We have a Hundred Trillion Tiny Friends”).  But most of all they taste delicious (earthy, even meaty) and are extremely quick and easy to convert into something to eat.  The fast food at the back of the larder!

Here is a top recipe for brown lentils, although like many other recipes it’s not essential that you have all the ingredients.  This would make enough to have a generous portion and put the rest into meal-sized servings in the freezer. 

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